Pick-up & Delivery of Donated Goods
We are a couple of volunteers who arranges the pick-up and delivery of donated goods to local no-kill/non-profit animal shelters including wildlife rehabilitation and release shelters.
To donate please give us a call or send us an email and we'll arrange a pickup, meetup, or you can drop off donated goods at any one of our drop-box locations.
Dog Food
Cat Food
Dog/Cat Treats
Chicken Feed
Gerbil/Hamster Food
Fresh vegetables
Cat Litter
First Aid Supplies
Rubber Gloves
New or Gently Used
Sheets - NOT fitted
Pet Beds
Pet Carriers
Pet Safe Toys
Cleaning Supplies
Training/Pee Pads (unused)
NO Pillows
NO Fitted Sheets
NO Curtains
(845) 264-4549

Amazon, Chewy, Petco, Walmart...
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